The Story
I spent a lot of my early years with my grandparents; each day, after preschool, my Nonno would take me back to their beautiful home. I would spend the rest of my afternoons running around the yard and playing in my grandparents vegetable and flower gardens; I loved all the flowers growing in my grandmother's garden, however I was especially drawn to the wonderful wild buttercups, dainty daisies and delightful dandelions that grew in the grass.
In June of 2017 my beloved Nonno passed away, and being as close to him as I was, it was really important for me to keep his love of the garden alive in whatever way I could; and that’s how the name Wildflower Childcare was created!
We feel that all children are like wildflowers; with the proper guidance, a nurturing space, and unconditional love, our children can grow to be whoever they would like to be.